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You will be asked for invoice no and serial no so have them ready if you need support!

Most of what you need to know will be below.


Below Are The Control Manuals For Gibidi 

SC230 Control Panel


If fitting the unit the 8k2 need to be in place or in line for the control panel for it to work
DON'T put a link in stop to com and the 8k2 as the unit wont work
As the unit needs to see the 8k2!!! same for the costa (safety) and com
so as they are or in line

Dip switch 9 on if you have a newer unit with a RPM SENSOR!

Also the unit 2 dip switches at the back of the control panel by the receiver unit plug in this gets missed TURN THE BREAK ON ! (IF ITS NEEDED!)

Older SC230 Control Panels


SE24E Control Panel 

AIC8982_SE24_IT_UK_Rev1 GIBIDI.pdf
AIC8745_SC24_rev0 it_uk GIBIDI 8K2.pdf

If fitting the unit the 8k2 need to be in place or in line for the control panel for it to work 
DON'T put a link in stop to com and the 8k2 as the unit wont work 
as the unit needs to see the 8k2!!! same for the costa (safety) and com
so as they are or in line

Older SC24 Control Panels


F3PLUS Control Panel

f3plus gibidi.pdf

PLUS 2 A Control Panel


PLUS 2 Control Panel


PLUS 1 Control Panel


Garage Door Control Panels

AIC4220_REV05_GECO 60-80.pdf
geco trainer amendment (1).PDF

Gibidi Analogic Taimen 24v

AIC8185_TAIMEN IT-UK_Rev 0.pdf

Gibidi Digital Taimen 24v

AIC8211_TAIMEN IT-UK_Rev 1.pdf

Gibidi Taimen 

Gibidi Receiver Units 

AIC4016_DRS4331_Rev0 1 way receiver unit gibidi.pdf
AIC6503_DOMINO_DRS_rev03 plig in receiver unit gibidi.pdf
AIC6480_istr_scheda_ricevente_2810_rev3 4 way stand alone receiver unit gibidi.pdf

Gibidi Photocells

AIC8999_DCF180 gibidi.pdf
AIC6482_DCF180D_impaginato_rev1 gibidi.pdf
AIC6555_DGF100200_Rev00 sq gibidi.pdf

Gibidi Roller Shutter Control Unit 230V

AIC8301_REV1 gibidi roller 230v control panel.pdf